We've been on and off the diet train recently in our household, which means our shopping habits are off. We did manage a couple of good meals last week, though, one of which was this one.
The pork chops got rubbed with a mixture of things from the herb cabinet which I'm not sure I totally remember now. I'm sure there was cumin, chili powder, garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper. Pretty much a standard spice rub. Oh, and brown sugar! Plenty of brown sugar got added to that. They sat in that for a couple of hours, got pulled out to come close to room temp, and then slapped on the grill.
The carrots recipe was one that I had read in a Prevention magazine that was lying around my aunt's house and can be found here. I usually avoid the butter tub whenever possible, but when I altered the recipe to take into account the light spread that we have in the fridge, it really wasn't too bad calorie-wise. I actually think it could have used less butter, since the end result had guilt-inducing butter juice left over on my plate. The chili powder was a great addition, since usually I only add sweetness to carrots in the form of brown sugar or honey.
My sister went to the store this time around, and since she loves all things having to do with chocolate and milk, these naturally drew her attention.
Inside the straw are little beads of chocolate and each end of it is perforated. So you put it in a normal class of milk and proceed to drink. Theoretically, the milk passes through the beads and becomes chocolate milk. As expected, it's not a perfect process. Obviously, a boatload of chocolate syrup or powder or store-created chocolate milk make for a much more satisfying drink. I guess if the purpose is to limit your intake of chocolate and calories while getting a bit of chocolate taste in a funny format, they're successful. But I like plain milk pretty well, and for my chocolate milk I just go for light chocolate soy milk. A fun experiment, but not really all that tasty.